Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Jack and I are heading home to see our families tonight, so last night we opened our gifts to each other.

After narrowly avoiding running into each other buying gifts at Babeland, (that was a hilarious phone conversation - "You're on Mercer Street? I'm...nowhere near there! Really!") we realized our gifts probably wouldn't go over well with our respective families under the Christmas tree on Baby Jesus' birthday. And we were right!

Jack got me the Form 2! Holy crap, is it awesome! I was really skeptical about "luxury vibrators" for a long time. I mean, I've got my Hitachi (and I love my Hitachi, I preach the gospel of the Hitachi Magic Wand), what else do I need? Oh, boy, was I mistaken! The Form 2 is a wonderful, wonderful thing.

It is quiet! It is powerful! It's tiny and cute and pink! Well, mine is pink because Jack is the best boyfriend in the world and went to two stores to make sure to get a pink one. It is waterproof! It's rechargeable! And it's just so well designed.

It fits perfectly in my hand while the flexible little "ears" nestle on either side of my clit and it buzzes merrily away. It's got multiple speeds and a bunch of different wave modes (four? I think? I lost count.) The highest vibration speed was almost too intense, and I'll have to play around with it at some other point when I'm less worried about squirting all over the bed.

And I've never owned a vibrator with wave patterns before. While I've always been a big fan of vibes, I've also always been broke as fuck, so up until Jack gave me the Hitachi for Christmas last year, all my vibrators were of the hard-plastic-under-$20 variety. What a difference the waves make! I was doing my usual thing, wiggling the vibe around, when I thought "What would this feel like in wave mode?" Well, the answer was that it feels AMAZING! I don't have to move the vibe. I can, but one of the wave patterns (the second one in?) feels like what I usually do with the vibe only better.

And then I came really hard. It was awesome.

On a related note, Babeland is awesome. When I talk about Babeland with other people in the kink scene, a lot of the time their reaction is "But they're sooo expensive." But you don't go to Babeland for kinky stuff. You go there for regular ol' sex toys - because they have the best selection and the most knowledgeable and friendliest staff of any sex shop I've physically been to.

When shopping for vibrators and other non-BDSM specific sex toys, it is completely worth it for me to go to Babeland and deal with a knowledgeable staff, be able to poke at things out of their packages, and just not be in some seedy place where every toy is packaged with a porn star's picture. I can bring my born again Christian friends into Babeland and pick out vibrators with them, and that's awesome.

Also, they gave me free anal beads, which is awesome. Of course, Jack was there the same night, and he went to two different now we have lots of anal beads. Like, more anal beads than one couple can actually use. Do you know anyone who needs some anal beads?

I may have overused the word "awesome" in this post.


  1. Hey, it's Briarthorn from FL :) I hate that no one comments on my blog. So now I'm going to comment on yours to stave off likewise feelings.

    I read through it, thought there would be more entries for some reason. What is a sex blog? Simply a space for casual sex-related stories? I clicked the link to get interesting advice, personally :p So far the advice that I've gleaned has to do with going to Catholic school and vicariously bringing sex into that picture: boldly, loudly, and proudly. And sexily.

    Anyway. Just thought you may enjoy the knowledge that someone read and enjoyed your blog. Yay!

  2. Hee! Thanks for commenting - I'm just getting started here, and I hope to post a lot more in the future.
