Monday, July 19, 2010

Another Post of Small, Random Things

- Hey people with OpenIDs--one person e-mailed me saying they were having trouble commenting. Is this true? Are OpenID comments not going through? Because I hate to think that comments aren't happening because of some glitch. If you're having trouble with comments, email me at comment anonymously. If there is something wrong, I'll try to work it out.

- I'm really disturbed by a lot of the stuff that's been going on in the Catholic church. I've written here about being raised Catholic kind of a lot, and while I don't particularly believe in God I still tend to think of myself as culturally Catholic. It really disturbs me when the Vatican does extremely fucked up stuff, with this latest proclamation equating the ordination of women to child rape just being the latest in a long line of fucked up things. I also hate that I wrote a lot of my posts about Catholicism right around the time a lot of the recent child abuse things came to light.

-In related news, Mistress Matisse's column in the Stranger this week has a bunch of stuff about blood, vampires, Catholicism, and kink. Matisse and I apparently have more in common than I previously realized.

-There were other small, random things I was going to post about, but I forgot what they were.

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